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SundaySound #81 – You Lift Me Up

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Today I’ve got a love song for you! It’s a great song about the one person you love. So for me the song is about my boyfriend. But

SundaySound #79 – Shut Up and Dance

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) The band Walk the moon was formed in 2008. The song „Shut Up and Dance“ was released in 2014.

SundaySound #75 – Crying of the Sun

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) I found a new band on Youtube: Metalwings from Bulgaria. The video isn’t very special, neither are the „costumes“. But

SundaySound #74 – I’m Blue (Cover)

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) „I’m blue, dabe-dee, dabe-die!“ *sing* Huh? You’re already here?! Um… okay… today’s SundaySound is kind of special again. This time it’s special because I know someone.

SundaySound #73 – Witch Doctor

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Today’s song is completely different from the songs I posted before. But I always try to present you a nice mixture – a potpourri – of different music genres.

SundaySound #47 – Bay Of Pigs

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Finally I got the new album by Powerwolf. So the next date I’m looking forward to is next saturday. Next saturday is the „Noch ein Bier Fest“ (Sabaton Open Air) in Gelsenkirchen.

SundaySound #45 – Surfin‘ USA

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Currently it is very hot in Germany. There are temperatures over 30°C. It’s the weather for going to a lake or to the beach.

SundaySound #30 – Gäa

Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Gäa is a song by Oonagh. At the time when Oonagh came out, there was a commercial at TV. They said Oonagh were the new sensation, singing in german-elvish language.

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