SundaySound #01 – Thank you for the Music

Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)

SundaySoundYou might be surprised that I’m writing English, but this category should also be for English-speaking readers.
Yes, Fairy goes international 😀

Even though I actually hear more metal, I would like to start the new category with a song by ABBA. Quite simply because this song is about music. And the questions, which are asked by ABBA in this song, are really legitimate questions I think.
Therefore, have a look at the relevant quote:

Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?

-ABBA, Thank you for the music

Music is important to me and it shouldn’t be missing in the world. So I’ve decided to create this new category.

Rock on \m/


Thanks to PoiSonPaiNter and Simon for correcting my biggest mistakes.
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