SundaySound #02 – Skyrim Dragonborn

Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)

SundaySoundDo you know Lindsey Stirling? If not, you should get to know her. Now! She plays the violin.
Since I was a child, the violin was my favorite instrument. It has such a majestic sound.

Here she plays the theme song of „Skyrim“ which is called Dragonborn. Also this song is really impressive. I like Skyrim. It’s kind of epic 😀

Therefore the instrument and the song go together perfectly! And then there is the amazing voice of Peter Hollens *.*
So far it feels like I’ve listened to that song a thousand times and it still isn’t enough…

Rock on \m/


Thanks to PoiSonPaiNter and Simon for correcting my biggest mistakes.
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  1. Ping von SundaySound #26 – Frühling (Spring) » Mein Senf für die Welt:

    […] I started the SundaySound, I told you, that I really love the violin. Today I have not Lindsey Stirling for you – today I have a german master-violinist. David […]


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