SundaySound #39 – It’s A Sin

Immer wieder sonntags *sing*
(That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert)


Actually I wanted to present you the first new Powerwolf-song of their new album, but the song disappeared from the offical sites.

So I chose another song. It’s an older one again (Release 1987). I love this song since the first time I listened to it. In the video you can see the seven deadly sins.
„It’s a sin“ was sung by the Pet Shop Boys.

Rock on! \m/


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  1. Ping von SundaySound #42 – Armata Strigoi » Mein Senf für die Welt:

    […] I can present a new Powerwolf song to you. I wanted to present a new song by them before but the song disappeared from the […]


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