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Irgendwas unternehmen [Summer-Bucket-List]
Seid gegrüßt. Letzte Woche gab es ja meinen Summer-Bucket-List-Check. Ich hatte unter Punkt 7 „Irgendwas unternehmen“ erwähnt, dass ich eigentlich drei Haken setzen könnte. Und ich hatte erwähnt, dass es noch einen extra Beitrag zu diesem Punkt geben würde. Also: Tada! Hier ist der Beitrag 😉
SundaySound #45 – Surfin‘ USA
Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Currently it is very hot in Germany. There are temperatures over 30°C. It’s the weather for going to a lake or to the beach.
SundaySound #43 – Firework
Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Be yourself and keep it real! This is what this song means to me.
SundaySound #40 – 강남스타일 (Gangnam Style)
Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) Do you remember the song „Gangnam Style“ by Psy? It was released in 2012 and it was a big hit. You already know… the small – a little bit chubby – korean man, who danced so damn freakish!?
SundaySound #31 – We are young
Immer wieder sonntags *sing* (That’s a line from an old German pop song by Cindy & Bert) I can’t help it, but I just love this song. For nearly 3 years I join in singing every time the song is played on the radio.